Letters to the Editor – February 10, 2018

Dear Sir,

The “Tails of Mexico” annual Spay-ghetti No Balls dinner was held at the Raquet Club on January 27.

The 278 guests were provided plenty of food and drinks and a great time was had by all.  The funds raised will be used to continue the spay and neuter clinics in the municipality of Jocotepec.


“Thank you” seems inadequate but it is very sincerely expressed  to Bernie and Penny St. Louis, who took on the organization and volunteer management for the dinner; our volunteers who made spaghetti sauce, salad and garlic bread; the ticket sales people and our friends at Diane Pearl and Roberto’s Restaurant; our talented fundraising group under the leadership of Liz Cool; our capable young women and staff from La Ola Children’s Home, who provided smiling, efficient table service to our guests; and last but not least, our supporters, friends and volunteers over the years, for their passion and generosity in helping the animals of Mexico.

Tails of Mexico