Chapala area readies for Revolution Day festivities

While the official holiday calendar marks the third Monday of November as the date to commemorate the 1910 outbreak of La Revolución Mexicana, Chapala area activities tied to the occasion get under way this weekend, spreading out to next Friday.

Chapala’s traditional Revolution Day parade is scheduled to coincide with the government-mandated holiday on Monday, November 16. Following a flag ceremony outside City Hall, 8:45 a.m., the desfile will run a full loop along Avenida Francisco Madero, starting from the south end at the corner of Paseo Ramon Corona.

Smaller satellite towns will stick to old customs, celebrating Revolution Day with parades, sporting events and typical festivities concentrated on November 20.

School kids add flair to Revolution Day parades held in the lakeside area.


Ajijic’s parade route starts at the east end of Constitucion-Ocampo, 9.a.m, heading east to Seis Esquinas and doubling back to the plaza via Hidalgo. In San Antonio Tlayacapan paraders will line up outside the soccer field at the west end of town, 10 a.m., to wind through streets along Ramón Corona, Jesús García, La Bandera and San José, ending at the plaza. Santa Cruz de la Soledad and San Nicolás de Ibarra will also hold parades, starting at 9 a.m.

The colorful cavalcades bring out school kids dressed up to impersonate Revolution heroes and rabble troops, costumed toddlers riding on motorized floats, squads stopping along the way to perform synchronized routines and athletic stunts, marching bands and charro equestrians.

Motorists are advised that traffic along main thoroughfares will blocked for an hour or more while the marches are underway. 

Chapala has also put together a program of cultural and sporting events taking place this weekend at different points along the waterfront Malecón. 

Activities set for Saturday, November 14 include beach soccer matches for female players, from 2 p.m., and a concert by Ensamble Latino, 7 p.m. 

On Sunday there will be beach volleyball games, 9 a.m.; a skateboard tournament, Noon; a singing contest, 6 p.m.; and a folkdance show, 7 p.m. 

Monday happenings after the parade will include beach soccer for guys, bicicross stunt cycling, traditional games for kids and finally, a performance by the Orquesta Típica de Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos, 7 p.m.