High school students explore future paths

High school kids on the threshold of making adult decisions were introduced to a panorama of professional and vocational callings during the Career Day program held Wednesday, March 16 under the auspices of the Lake Chapala Society (LCS).

The full day of activities was offered to fourth, fifth and sixth semester students enrolled in University of Guadalajara affiliated preparatoria schools in Chapala and Mezcala.

The aim was to guide them in recognizing their interests and abilities; broaden their aspirations beyond stereotypes; consider diverse career options; and learn about the studies or training required for specific jobs. 

Those goals were met through interaction with working people making their livings in the lakeside area brought in for 50-minute classroom sessions. The mentors work in a broad range of fields such as architecture, law, health care, education, journalism, banking, technology, real estate, small business and manual labor. 

Conferences on vocational aptitudes, self-esteem and character building, job interview skill, and personal finance management were open to students who will graduate at the end of the academic term.