Juguetón Chapala collects toys for tots

Hundreds of kids from low-income families will wake up on Christmas morning to find a special gift from El Niño Dios (Baby Jesus) thanks to Juguetón Chapala 2016.

The tenth annual toy collection marathon will take place at the main Chapala Plaza, running non-stop from 6 p.m. on Saturday, December 10 through 9:30 p.m. the following evening. A huge entertainment program is lined up from start to finish to encourage donations to the cause. Music, dance and theatrical acts genres will appeal to a broad audience.

Juguetón is organized by the San Francisco parish Curate Enrique Monteón Curiel and the Salesian lay mission group Grumis. Needy families identified in advance are provided with coupons they exchange for ageand gender appropriate Christmas gifts for their children. 

The project is supported by the community’s leading businesses, non-profit groups, the local government and big-hearted individuals. Last year’s Juguetón pulled in 2,976 items.