Ajijic sports complex open for action

After completion of the first major public works project for Ajijic under the current administration, Chapala government officials gathered Sunday, June 18, to inaugurate the new Unidad Deportiva (sports complex) located on the east end of town just off the Camino Real running through La Floresta. 

The large government property, situated adjacent to the town’s lower soccer field and behind DIF headquarters, had stood as a empty vacant lot for decades. The area has been renovated for use in diverse athletic activities. 

The entrance leads into a green area filled with playground equipment for children including slides, swings, a jungle gym and sandbox. Wrapped around it is a rectangular pathway laid with volcanic rock as terrain for runners and joggers.

Nearby is a covered terrace to be utilized for Zumba classes and other kinds of exercise.  To the right is a multi-purpose cement court designed for playing basket ball, volleyball and tennis.   

The north side of the field is occupied by two Futbol 7 (mini soccer) pitches that are covered with Astroturf and individually fenced. 

The project was carried out with a budget of four million pesos, with half paid by the federal  Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU), and the remainder split between the state and municipal governments. 


Restrooms, drinking fountains and other accoutrements are to be added in the second stage of the project, according to municipal public works director Rodrigo Paredes. 

The complex is open to the public free of charge. Organized activities will be eventually scheduled by the Municipal Sports Commission (Comude).