Ixtlahuacán debuts jumbo image of patron saint

A colossal statue of Santo Santiago is being installed at the main entrance to Ixtlahuacan de los Membrillos in conjunction with the town’s annual fiestas patronales, taking place July 16 through 25.

Measuring 3.75 meters in height with a weight of 250 kilos, the king-size figure is an exact replica of the image of St. James the Moor Slayer that resides above the altar of the local church.


Ixtlahuacan’s fiestas encompass daily religious processions, nighttime celebrations and fireworks at the plaza and a sprawling downtown street fair.

Patron saint of Spain, Santo Santiago was introduced to Mexico in the 16th century to aid Christian friars in vanquishing pagan beliefs. His defeat of evil forces is still portrayed by Tonala’s Tastoanes, Los Tlahualiles of Sahuayo, Michoacán and masked ritual dancers in many other locales.