Garden Guild chooses ‘Food Challenge’ as Community Project

Lakeside Garden Guild members have unanimously voted for a historic departure from tradition for its annual community project.

pg13bNormally, the Guild does not contribute to charities as many of their members are very active with their favorite organizations.  The economic situation due to loss of jobs brought on by the novel coronavirus quarantine has contributed to severe food insecurity at lakeside. Because of this, the Lakeside Garden Guild decided that this year’s annual community project is to help alleviate this issue by providing funds to two organizations established to do so.

The Guild selected FoodBank Lakeside and Operation Feed because of the wide geographic area that will be reached and their ability to quickly put food into people’s hands (and stomachs). Pet food is included in the despensas to keep pets with their families and out of shelters (and off the streets).

“We are privileged to be accepted into this beautiful community by our Mexican neighbors,” says Sue Williams, president of Lakeside Garden Guild. “Now they need our help. The Guild is pleased to support [groups] that are providing vital assistance to needy families.  It would be wonderful if other organizations and individuals could follow suit as the demand is overwhelming.”

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