Chapala driver’s license offices closed indefinitely

Lakeside motorists who are in need of obtaining or updating a Jalisco driver’s license won’t have luck in the immediate future at the state Transportation Department (Setrans) office in Chapala, or at any of the agency’s branches elsewhere.

pg11bSetrans suspended services at all outlying Setrans licensing facilities as of March 23 due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. According to the operator taking calls at the number posted at the entrance of the Chapala office (333-819-2425), closures will continue until further notice.

However, all types of new and renewed licencias de conducir are still being processed at Setrans headquarters in Guadalajara, located at  the traffic circle where Prolongación Alcalde intersects with Circunvalación Divisón del Norte.  Service is currently available by appointment only, registered in advance at

Information on costs and document requirements are painted on the gates of the Chapala branch, located inside the parking lot at the east end Paseo Ramón Corona.

Motorists stopped for any traffic violation may also be ticketed and fined for driving without a valid license, the Setrans official stated.