Water utility faces multiple challenges

Chapala’s water and sewage utility Simapa was already dealing with long-standing complaints of deficient service lodged by residents of Las Redes and other customers of the city’s northeast sector when additional troubles cropped up last weekend. 

pg9Regular water supplies to that area were cut off when the pump operating Pozo 3, the well located on Calle Pedro, burnt out as a consequence of the extensive power failure caused by the potent May 14 rainstorm.

Simapa staff immediately scrambled to put pipa tankers on the road to supply customers left high and dry while the pump underwent repairs.

Meanwhile, Chapala Mayor Alejandro Aguirre was engaged in negotiations with the owners of a property adjacent to Pozo 3. On Monday, May 16, he taped a video announcing the donation of a patch of that land, and detailing the immediate drilling of a substitute well.

According to Simapa Director Fernando Monreal, geological studies of the zone indicate that ample water sources will be found at 225 to 350 meters below ground level, with sufficient volume to feed the neighborhood for years to come.

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