Mexico’s holiday season rolls on

If you’re already packing away Christmas ornaments along with your holiday spirits, think again.

pg12Mexico’s seasonal festivities will keep on rolling for another four weeks, with Dia de los Reyes coming up January 6, and traditional celebrations finally wrapping up February 2 on the Dia de la Candelaria.

For generations Mexican children have looked forward to January 6 with as much anticipation as Christmas itself. Epiphany, known here as Three Kings Day, recalls the revelation of the Messiah as represented by the arrival of the Wisemen in Bethlehem packing precious gifts for the Christ Child.

According to long-held customs, the nation’s small fries often prepare for the secretive arrival of the gift-bearing Reyes Magos (Magi) by setting out their shoes beside the household nativity scene before tucking into bed on the night of January 5. Many leave letters addressed to the Wisemen spelling out of wish list of holiday gifts. When the little ones awake the next morning they rush to the scene to discover what toys and other goodies have been deposited while they slumbered.

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