Passion Play preparations begin

Three weeks after the start of Lent, organizers of traditional Passion Plays staged at lakeside organizers are already hard at work in preparation for the programs they will present during the week of April 2 through 9.

pg15aThe Pasión de Cristo team led by Lalo Ramos in Ajijic and Via Crucis Viviente group headed by Ana Milian in San Antonio Tlayacapan are now in the process of recruiting actors to fill out their respective casts and initiating rehearsals for the live representations of the final days in the life of Jesus Christ as told in scripture.

Putting on these evangelical productions invariably requires scores of volunteer helpers involved in building scenery, creating costumes and arranging technical support that will bring life to the theatrical events spanning Christ’s triumphal entry to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, through his condemnation, crucifixion and resurrection. And financial support from the community is vital to making it happen.

Viacrucis Tlayacapan is hosting a Kermesse fundraising fair on Sunday, March 19 from 10 a.m. at the San Antonio plaza. The event will offer a variety of typical Mexican foods, raffles, games of Lotería (the national version of bingo) and musical entertainment.

Pasión de Cristo holds its customary Verbena del Pasado fair at the Ajijic plaza on Palm Sunday (April 2). Representatives of the group identified by ID badges are making door-to-door rounds to line up contributions of food supplies for the cooks. Cash donations to defray production expenses are welcomed through the BBVA account 1501771765, Clabe 012346015017717654 in the name of Eduardo Ramos Cordero.