A diversified Congress will be sworn in November 1

No party will hold an overall majority in the next Jalisco State Legislature following the election on July 1.

The Jalisco Electoral Institute (IEPC) this week finalized the distribution of the 18 plurinominal (proportional representation) seats that are based on the number of votes for each party. The 20 other seats were decided by “first-past-the-post” races held in each of the state’s 20 districts.

The final tally of seats in the 38-member State Congress is as follows (seats by proportional representation in brackets):

• Movimiento Ciudadano (MC): 14 (5)

• Morena: 8 (6)

• Partido Accion Nacional (PAN): 8 (2)

• Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI): 4 (4)

• Partido de la Revolucion Democratica (PRD): 2

• Partido Verde (PVEM): 1 (1)

• Partido del Trabajo (PT): 1

Representatives of the PVEM, PAN and PRI said they would contest the decision of how the plurinominal seats were allocated. PVEM President Enrique Aubry claimed IEPC committee members were “pressured” into only awarding his party one seat.  The PAN and PRI are also each demanding an additional seat.