Mexico prepares to get kids back into the classroom

Mexico’s Education Secretary Esteban Moctezuma is expected to hold a press conference on Monday, July 3, that will lay out federal plans for a safe return to face-to-face classes.

The new school year is due to start on Monday, August 10, although Jalisco has put back the date an additional week.

Moctezuma previously hinted that Mexico will adopt a “hybrid” educational model for the 2020-21 school year, with both in-class and online classes.

Around 30 million Mexican schoolchildren spent the last four months of the prior school year in a distance learning environment.  Education authorities admit, however, that many students in remote areas of the country without access to the internet may have regressed in their studies.

Moctezuma also stated that in-person classes may only resume if the transmission rates of Covid-19 in individual states permit it.  This will be dependent on the federal traffic light system: green allowing schools to open; all other colors (yellow, orange or red) meaning they must stay shut. Jalisco is currently in the red category, although state officials contest this adjudication.

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