Orchid/pelican tour heads to Michoacan

Visit the San José de Gracia Orchid Festival, with an overnight stay included, on Friday, February 5 and Saturday, February 6.

The tour then follows gorgeous Río de la Pasión to Petatán on the south shore of Lake Chapala to see the spectacle of thousands of white pelicans. 

The tour starts and ends in Guadalajara not far from Walmart on Avenida Vallarta. It is organized by Turismo Rio de la Pasiòn.  Contact Alex Solis at 333-442-9995 (cell) for more information.

San José de Gracia is located in Michoacan, on the border of Jalisco, about five miles north of Mazamitla.  The Orchid Festival runs daily from February 5-7.