Jalisco vehicle registration renewals due January-March

While the deadline for the annual renewal of registration for vehicles with Jalisco license tags is March 31, the date when the maximum ten-percent discount for early payment runs out is Monday, January 31.

Five percent is knocked off through February and March.

The full amount of the 2022 refrendo fee applied for cars and trucks is 711 pesos, plus a 33-peso contribution to Cruz Roja Mexicana and 28 pesos more for the Hogar Cabañas institution for homeless children, which are not subject to discount.

Thus, the deduction through the end of this month is 71 pesos, for a total payment of 701 pesos. With 35.50 pesos off in February and March, the cost goes up to 736 pesos. The full cost rises to 772 pesos after April 1 when vehicle owners become subject to late payment fines.

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