Register now to vote in US elections

Time is of the essence for United States citizens residing in Mexico who are keen on exercising their rights to vote in this year’s crucial mid-term elections.

pg4However, it’s vital for them make sure they are properly registered in their U.S home voting states and with sufficient time to apply for and return ballots in order for their votes to be counted.

Every state has an individual system of running elections and some have new guidelines that can affect persons who need to obtain absentee ballots to vote from foreign countries. Thus the importance of getting squared away on current requirements well in advance of registration and voting deadlines.

To avoid possible pitfalls and glitches that may prevent them from having their voices heard, U.S. citizens who live in the Lake Chapala area and Guadalajara can count on the knowledgeable local volunteers involved in Vote from Abroad, a non-partisan public service program operated under the umbrella of the Democrats Abroad organization.

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