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City Living - December 13, 2014


Outlet de la Moda at Expo Guadalajara this weekend offers a slew of discounts on brand name clothes, footwear, jewelry and accessories, organizers say. Runs Friday, December 12 through Sunday, December 14, 1 0 a.m. to 8 p.m. Entry free.

City Living - December 6, 2014

St Mark’s Advent service

Join the congregation at St. Mark’s Angligan/Episcopal Church on Sunday, December 14, 6 p.m. for a beautiful, hourlong service called “Lessons and Carols.”

City Living - November 29, 2014

Amsoc voting

Voting in the American Society (Amsoc) annual election for officers will continue through Saturday, November 29, 10 a.m., when the annual general assembly will be held. All members are welcome to attend the assembly.   Amsoc is at San Francisco 3332, Colonia Chapalita.

City Living - November 22, 2014

Street Festival

Tlaquepaque is certainly worth a visit this weekend as the second Festival Internacional de Música de Calle (International Street Music Festival) takes over the charming Guadalajara crafts suburb. Organizers have planned an ambitious 140 performances by some 50 individual artists and groups, showcasing all manner of artistic endeavors, including theater, music, dance, circus arts and more. Countries represented will be Mexico, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Israel, Russia, Denmark, Spain and France.

City Living - November 15, 2014

Amsoc Thanksgiving

Join with the metro-area’s U.S. community and their friends for a big family-style T-day feast at the American Society (Amsoc) on Thursday, November 27. Enjoy turkey, stuffing, mashed and sweet potatoes, salad, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. The doors (and bar) open at noon and dinner is served at 1:30 p.m.

City Living - November 8, 2014

Book Fair

The Fifth Used and Antique Book Fair (Feria del Libro Usado y Antiguo) takes place amid the exterior arches surrounding the Guadalajara Municipal Palace between Friday, November 7 and Sunday, November 16.

City Living - November 1, 2014

Just a-maize-ing

If the idea of getting well and truly lost in a labyrinth of corn appeals to you, then make a beeline for Mundo Maiz, a new attraction in the Tlaquepaque suburbs to the south the metropolitan area.