Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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When Pancho Villa crossed the US border

Former U.S. President Donald Trump and other ideologues of the MAGA persuasion are perpetually warning about the dangers of a Mexican “invasion” — one of undocumented low-income folk fleeing poverty and economic crisis.

Vallarta’s amazing Tile Park

It wasn’t long ago that Puerto Vallarta’s Parque Lázaro Cárdenas, anchoring its world-famous Old Town, or Zona Romantica to some, was a dark hole of danger littered with used condoms and drug paraphernalia.

Moving photos, installations & documentaries depict world refugee crisis

With the more relaxed pandemic measures announced February 13, the Ex Convento del Carmen is marking its re-opening – although in truth it has for months been more open than other Guadalajara art venues – with a variegated, non-classical exhibit focused on refugees and migrants worldwide, as seen through the eyes of 13 artists.