Financial indicators as of Thursday, October 15, 2015
-Mexican Stock Market (BMV) opened at 44,064.43, an increase of 1,232.4 points from Thursday, October 8, 2015.
-Mexican Stock Market (BMV) opened at 44,064.43, an increase of 1,232.4 points from Thursday, October 8, 2015.
-Mexican Stock Market (BMV) opened at 43,832.03, an increase of 1,199.49 points from Thursday, October 1, 2015.
U.S giant IBM, one of the founding members of Guadalajara’s tech cluster, this week celebrated 40 years at its El Salto plant.
-Mexican Stock Market (BMV) opened at 43,042.36, an increase of 772.74 points from Thursday, September 10, 2015.
-Mexican Stock Market (BMV) opened at 42,269.62, an increase of 514.94 points from Thursday, September 10, 2015.
-Interest paid on 28-day Treasury Certificates (CETES) was up at 3.18 percent from Thursday, September 10 2015
-Bank Interest paid on 28-day 10,000 to 50,00 pesos Promissory Notes was unchanged ranging from 0.80 to 2.31 percent
-U.S. dollar traded Thurdayat 15.85 pesos buy, 12.80 pesos sell.
-Canadian dollar traded at 11.60 pesos buy, 12.80 pesos sell.
-Euro traded at 18.45 pesos buy, 19.35 pesos sell.
-Gold (1oz) Mexico; 18,502.28 pesos; New York; 1,115,54 U.S.
-Oil (brl) Mexican mix: 37.96 U.S.: West Texas Intermidiate: 47.15 U.S.
-Inflation August 2015: 0.21 percent.
-Annual Inflation (from August 2014 to August 2015): 2.59 percent.
Guadalajara´s Cantina Mexicaltzingo was jumping last week with jubilant young people wearing purple T-shirts emblazoned with the words, “One Simple Idea.”
- Mexican Stock Market (BMV) opened at 42,754.68, a decrease of 215.25 points from Thursday, September 3, 2015.