Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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City hall staffers take leave to campaign

Heeding instructions in a circular issued last month by Mayor Joaquin Huerta, nine Chapala government employees have taken temporary leave of absence from their jobs while supporting the election campaigns of various local candidates.  According to press office chief Carlos Alberto Diaz Mendoza, the payment of salaries for absent staffers has been suspended until they return to their posts following the June 7 elections. 

Chapala bags another donation

Adding to what has become a historic year of international support for Chapala’s civil protection and firefighting squad (UPCB), the Rotary Club of Playa Venice Sunrise recently donated a second-hand ambulance to beef up the company’s emergency rescue fleet.

Mexican moms honored with traditional festivities

As Mother’s Day is celebrated around the world on Sunday, May 10, festivities in the Lake Chapala area will crank up in the wee hours when many beloved madres will be roused from their slumber with lively musical serenades.

As day breaks, sky rockets will blast off at local cemeteries, calling folks to services held in remembrance of mothers who have passed on to greener fields. Many will bring floral tributes to place at the graves of departed matriarchs.

Charro party

Ajijic’s Asociación de Charros gets a jump on the holiday with a wild country-style family fiesta on Saturday, May 9, from 4:30 p.m., at the bullring on Calle Revolución. 

Candidate forum revamped

The political forum for Chapala mayoral candidates planned by the lakeside branch of the Guadalajara Chamber of Commerce has been rescheduled for Tuesday, May 12 to mesh with a similar encounter organized by local media outlets. The event will be held at the Robert Kleffel auditorium on the campus of the Instituto Tecnologico Superior (ITS), starting at 11 a.m.