Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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Making Christmas more inclusive

Mexico still has a real Christmas, a celebration of a much-beloved religious canon and creed that follows a virgin conception to a son of God being born in a manger.

The Mexican character & international diplomacy

We hear a lot about diplomatic solutions these days. For those of you who find diplomacy puzzling, or wonder why few if any critical global issues ever get resolved, it’s because diplomacy only works if both parties are on an equal footing, both with strong hands to play.

Snapshots of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving can be a poignant celebration of gratitude. But it should also remind us of what we have and take for granted.

Drinking, driving & long division

The holidays are fast approaching. Dining out at Lakeside and driving in the dark has become a matter for pre-planning, responsible drinking, and how to take your margaritas and anxiety meds with meals.

What’s God trying to tell us?

Whenever the Day of the Dead passes each year, I’m always left with the idea of how close we get here in Mexico to the world hereafter.

Darwin’s survival of the fittest never foresaw Kevlar

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch—the plastic-ridden trash vortex between the West Coast of North America and Japan—is back in the news. It is twice the size of Texas but somewhat different. Texas has a handful of books.