Last updateSat, 18 Jan 2025 2pm


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The quest for the source of the Black River

As far as hot rivers go, the Rio Caliente outside Guadalajara has both the name and the fame ... but does it really deserve its reputation?

pg8aAnyone who has gone to bathe in its soothing waters over the last few years will tell you that the famous river is not quite what it was in the old days. The amount of water flowing is far less than before and the temperature of the water has dropped noticeably. This situation, however, does not spell bad news for bathers because there are still plenty of nice pools to soak in, while there is now far less risk of accidentally cooking yourself if you pick the wrong spot.

I, however, was not content. Rio Caliente is fine for domingueros (Sunday picnickers), I told my wife and friends, but what other hot spots are lurking in the enormous Primavera Forest? I was keen to examine the streams that feed the hot river. How long were they? Where did they come from?

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