Last updateSat, 08 Feb 2025 10am


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A long, muddy trail to nature’s spa on the Verde River

Though born in Veracruz, Professor Miguel Cházaro (R.I.P.) was numbered among Jalisco’s best botanists.

pg8aBecause he didn’t drive, he sometimes had to find ways to convince his friends to take him to out-of-the-way spots where he might find some exotic species he was looking for.

One day Miguel called me up and proposed a visit to a place just beyond Acatic (in Los Altos de Jalisco). He called this site La Bolsa (The Bag) and as he described it, my ears began to tingle.

“There’s a hot waterfall at La Bolsa,” he enthused. “Well, it’s actually not too hot. Perfect bathing temperature, I’d say, and it’s located at the edge of a huge orchard where ripe mangoes drop right into your hands, and, by the way, just above the orchard there’s an archeological site with a big pyramid and ...”

I was hooked and so were a lot of other hiker friends when I told them Miguel’s story. The result was a big turnout for a hike to La Bolsa and a barrage of questions for me.

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