Last updateFri, 10 May 2024 9am


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Chapala Red Cross complies with new labor laws

The Cruz Roja Chapala advisory board is continuing its ongoing effort to return the local organization to financial stability.
Internal regulations have now been filed with the Jalisco labor board to bring the group to full compliance with the labor law modifications of 2012. Previously, no internal regulations were in place to protect either the employees or the institution.

“This compliance is a major plus for the employees who now have clarity on seniority and vacation time,” said Norm Pifer, president of the advisory board.

“We can now offer employment contracts to selected employees and enforce duties outlined in their job descriptions. The formal regulations bring other benefits to the institution. When employees previously failed to follow established protocol discipline, and when needed, termination, was difficult and sometimes costly.”

The group’s current financial woes began during the summer months when expenses increased, and income and recuperation decreased. There have been times in recent months when payroll has been paid late. Payment to suppliers has been delayed, more than 60 days, in some cases.

“We are increasing transport fees and some consultation fees immediately,” said Pifer. “We’re also expanding the availability of credit card options and asking the community to step forward in helping clear the backlog of payables. Cruz Roja will continue to serve the community 24/7 with two ambulances and the Chapala clinic will continue to operate around the clock.”

For year-end tax deductions, U.S. dollar checks can be written to CRIVC, Inc. and dropped off at the Cruz Roja table at the Lake Chapala Society (LCS), given to Charlie Klestadt, or any other international volunteer. Peso donations can also be taken to the LCS table or left in the clear donation canisters around town. Peso checks should be made payable to Cruz Roja Mexicana I.A.P. and  placed in a canister or dropped off in Chapala at the clinic.

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