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Weekly Worship - October 1, 2016

HU Chant

Chanting HU, an ancient name for the Divine while in a contemplative state, is a simple technique to open your heart to greater happiness, love, inner peace and understanding.

Join in Saturday October 1, 10:30 a.m., at the Center for Spiritual Living located at Nicholas Bravo 17, Ajijic, for a short (30-minute) group HU Chant followed by refreshments and fellowship time. For more information, contact Hallie Shepherd at 766-3656 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Sponsored by Eckankar, Mexico.

Lakeside Presbyterian 

On October 2, in the fifth of his sermons on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Ross Arnold will help the congregation understand the “Gifts of Discernment.” There are times when Christians need to know or understand things that are not available to our senses. At such times, God the Holy Spirit speaks to the needs of the Church through the gifts of discernment. Do you have one of these gifts? 

Lakeside Presbyterian Church meets at San Jorge 250 in Riberas del Pilar. Turn toward the lake at Mom’s Restaurant; the church is two blocks down on the right. English-language services at 10 a.m. and Spanish-language services at 9 a.m. and noon.  Everyone is welcome.

The community is invited to attend a memorial service celebrating the life of Grace Contrades on Saturday, October 1, 2 p.m.

Christ Church Episcopal

Christ Church Episcopal, a congregation of the Anglican Church of Mexico, will observe the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost by celebrating The Holy Eucharist Sunday, October 2, 9:30 a.m. at the Little Chapel by the Lake, located at Carretera 10 in Chula Vista. Fr. Danny Borkowski will preside, and give a message with the theme “Faith” based on Luke 17:5-10. 

The congregations of Christ Church Episcopal and the Little Chapel share a common fellowship time between their two services, from about 10:35 to 11:25 a.m.

Christ Church will hold the Blessing of the Animals in front of the Little Chapel by the Lake on Sunday, October 2, 4 p.m. 

Christ Church sponsors a Bible Study Tuesdays, 2 p.m. Call Fr. Borkowski (766-2495) for the venue.  

The Christ Church Episcopal Lunch Bunch meets Sunday, October 2, 11:30 a.m. at Monte Cristo, Highway Chapala – Jocotepec 520, in West Ajijic (next to Salon La Huerta), (376) 106-2063.

The Lakeside Singers will present another sing-a-long at O’Hana’s retirement home, Wednesday, October 12. O’Hana’s is located at Calle la Paz 6 in San Juan Cosala.

Little Chapel by the Lake

Sunday, October 2, the Little Chapel by the Lake welcomes Dr. Roy Trueblood into the pulpit for the 11:30 a.m. worship service. The title of his sermon is “A Universal Invitation,” and the Scripture is Matthew 11:28-30.

In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus invites “… all who labor and are heavy laden.” Says Trueblood: “It is sometimes challenging to think about all, which includes those who are opposed to my way of thinking, those whose lifestyles are different, and even those who may be perceived enemies. We will take a close look at three key words found in this text — all, yoke and easy.”

The Little Chapel by the Lake is located in Chula Vista on the Chapala-Ajijic highway. Worship service is at 11:30 a.m. and a fellowship time with coffee and snacks is held from 11 to 11:30 a.m. For more information, call 766-2538 (and, yes, the phone number is now working again).

New Hope Christian

The non-denominational congregation of the New Hope Christian Fellowship will meet at its regular time and place on Sunday, October 2. Along with hymns of praise and prayers of thanksgiving and petition, Pastor Gene Raymer will address the subject of judgment. 

The pastor says: “Throughout the scriptures it is made evident that God will judge all mankind. Yet Paul tells the Corinthians he has already judged one of their members who has been sleeping with his father’s wife. We want to examine how judgment is to be administered and by whom.” 

Following the service, members of the congregation will travel to Adelita’s Restaurant to continue their fellowship with a meal.

New Hope Christian Fellowship welcomes all Christian believers regardless of previous denominational background. Services are held at 11 a.m. in the upper room of the Presbyterian church in Riberas del Pilar.  For more information about our beliefs or for directions to the church, contact the pastor at (376) 766-3435.

St. Andrew’s Anglican

St. Andrew’s Anglican Church held its first service in its current building on June 3, 1990, but it has been a church (the Body of Christ gathered together) in the Lakeside area since 1947. In her sermon, “Guard the Good Treasure Entrusted to You,” the Rev. Robbin del Nagro reminds us that we are the guardians of the church, which is our treasure. With gratitude we celebrate the ancestors who nurtured our faith and those who built and shaped our congregation over the past 60-plus years.

Remember to sign up for the six-week Grief and Loss series of classes that Rev. del Nagro will be leading beginning October 12.  

The ladies’ monthly luncheon is Wednesday, October 5, noon at the Avocado Club on the Carretera in San Antonio Tlayacapan. 

The Harvest Comida, a Thanksgiving feast, will be held October 29.  The social hour will begin at 1 p.m. and the meal will be at 2 p.m.

A memorial service for long-time St. Andrew’s member Bob Tennison will be held Thursday, October 6, 11 a.m.  A luncheon will follow – please bring finger food to share.

A Blessing of the Animals will be held at St. Andrew’s Saturday, October 8, noon.  All pets are welcome as long as they are caged or on leashes.

St. Andrew’s is at Calle San Lucas 19, a block south of the Carretera in Riberas del Pilar.

Unitarian Universalists

Trudy Crippen is the speaker at the next meeting of he Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Sunday, October 2. Her talk, “We’re all a Little Weird and Religion is Dangerous,” will introduce the group’s study of the book “A Chosen Religion” by Forrest Church and John Buehrens. Eric Luria is the service leader.

The Unitarians meet 10:30 a.m. at Hidalgo 261 in Riberas del Pilar, opposite the bell tower, on the north side of the Carretera.

San Andres English

“Faith gives us a new vision of the world.  Without it, we see only the darker side of life.  We are still slaves.  It is faith which liberates us and makes us see the Spirit of power and love at work in our lives.”

So says Fr. Basil G. Royston, D. Min., who will offer the homily “Our Faith” at San Andres Catholic Church’s English-language service Sunday October 2, 9 a.m.

The San Andres English congregation has their “First Sunday of the Month Food Drive” October 2 to help support the children at Villa Infantil orphanage and the sisters who care for them.  Consider bringing a non-perishable food item, toilet tissue, cleaning products, and the like to Sunday’s Liturgy.

San Andres is located at the corner of Ramon Corona and Parroquia, one block from the Ajijic main plaza. 

Lake Chapala Baptists

Says Brother Bob Hendrick: “Have you ever hooked up to a utility trailer and found that the lights don’t work or they work exactly backward from how they should work? it is usually a ground problem. A trailer needs to be used to stay predictable. I have heard that back in the days when swords were the mode of protection in vogue, one of the worst things a swords man could do was to leave his sword in its sheath unexercised. The Bible says that we have been reconciled to God by grace and then given the ministry of reconciliation. It is sad that people outside Christianity do not usually think of Christians as conciliatory or gracious because often we are not. Grace is like a utility trailer. It needs to be used so as not to work backward. Grace is like a sword. it needs to be exercised to do its job. Trailers, swords, and grace need to be used.”

Hendrick will give the sermon at this Sunday’s 11 a.m. worship service at the Lake Chapala Baptist Church, at Santa Margarita 147 in Riberas del Pilar.

St. Mark’s Anglican 


Sunday, October 2, St. Mark’s will celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis with a blessing of the animals. There will be one service beginning at 12:30 p.m., which will include the service of Morning Prayer (a short service without the communion) after which each pet will be brought forward to receive a blessing from a priest. The public is invited.  Pets must be restrained by leash, cage, or other appropriate means.

St. Mark’s is at Chichimecas 836, corner of Aztecas, a two-minute drive north of Plaza Mexico, in Colonia Monraz.  Call 331-432-3497 or 378-786-0803 for more information.

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