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Weekly Worship - October 22, 2022

Lake Chapala Baptist

During Pastor Linton’s recent absence, the LCBC congregation has enjoyed sermons from several guest speakers.

The general consensus is that it’s extremely interesting to hear the different speaking styles of each preacher, but the themes are satisfyingly familiar, and always revolve around the Gospel.

John Whitener, one of LCBC’s members and a fervent true believer, stepped up to the pulpit last Sunday and delivered a message that obviously came from his heart, titled “Love that Can Change the World.”

“The Word opens the way between earth and heaven,” he told us. “And apart from Jesus Christ, we can do nothing. As believers, you are chosen. You may think you chose Him, but He chose you… and the King of the universe has appointed you a purpose!

“Jesus tells us: ‘Love your neighbor as I have loved you,’” John said, in conclusion. “That is our calling, our response to the world, and our purpose. It requires a supernatural love, the kind of love that testifies to the fallen world that Jesus lives within you. And it’s this love that will change the world.”

Share memorable weekly sermons, uplifting music, and an ongoing thirst for true wisdom at 10:45 a.m. at the Lake Chapala Baptist Church. Santa Margarita 147, Riberas del Pilar.

LCBC’s bilingual service meets Sundays, 5:30 p.m. Please see our ad under Worship Listings for more information. ¡Todos bienvenidos!

Visit our website or Facebook page for more info or call: 333-016-3743, office 376-765-2925.

Christ Church Lakeside

Christ Church Lakeside, a parish of the Diocese of the West in the Anglican Church of Mexico, will observe the twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, October 23, 10:30 a.m., in person and via Zoom at our location with the red door and windows next to The Smokehouse Restaurant. Rev. Linda Ramos will be the celebrant and give a message. Those wishing to have brunch after the Service will meet at noon in the Min Wah Restaurant, Calle al Tepalo #96, Ajijic, 376-766-0686.

The Loaves and Fishes Food Distribution will be held Tuesday, October 25, 1 p.m. at Calle Jesus Garica 11, in San Antonio Tlayacapan. To help the food distribution program with a monetary donation, contact Al Ramos, 332-384-2343, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Bible study, hosted by Rev. Danny Borkowski is suspended until Wednesday, November 2. At that time, all are invited to learn about the inspired contents of the Bible and share their insights with each other.

To receive the Zoom sign-in information for the Sunday service, contact Rev. Jim Powers at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., cell: 322-356-0382.

Jewish Congregation

The Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation holds Friday services at 6 p.m. via Zoom. See lakechapalajewishcongregation.com for the URL.

Little Chapel

Sunday October 23, Pastor Pete will be continuing in his Sermon series titled “Feasting at the King’s Table” in the book of Matthew chapter 11:16-30. This week’s topic; Disappointment, Deception And Dependance.

After the service, a birthday party celebration “Grace Meal” will be held at the Little Chapel.

We are located at Ajijic-Chapala Highway 10 in Chula Vista.

Donations for our food mission in San Juan Tecomatlan are always gladly accepted via our big purple box in front of the Chapel.

Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m., a small group meets at the Chapel for fellowship and prayer. This week’s topic is Prayer, and how many different ways there are to pray. Reference book: “Draw the Circle, the 40 day prayer challenge.”

Conversational Spanish classes are Fridays, 1 pm. For more information email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Mama Cleo’s Boys have a car wash at the Chapel Saturday mornings, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. as a fundraiser for their many needs at their care facility.

Lakeside Presbyterian

This week Pastor Carolyn will talk about Jonah: “Angry Enough to Die.”

Anger is a powerful emotion that can send us down terrible paths. The story of Jonah is a story about anger. Specifically, Jonah’s anger. What sparks Jonah’s rage? Surprisingly, it’s God’s compassion that triggers his indignation. This Bible story forces us to ask ourselves whether we have a heart like Jonah’s or a heart like God’s. “I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.”

Service starting time is 9:30 a.m. for the English-language service and 11 a.m. for the Spanish-language service.

The live English service at Calle San Jorge 250 in Riberas del Pilar, also streams each Sunday on Facebook/LPCChapala or at lpc-chapala.org.

If you need a ride, call  376-106-0853 before 4 p.m. on Thursday.

There is coffee and refreshments after the service in the Narthex.


Sunday, October 23, Rev. Matt Alspaugh and Trudy Crippen will discuss a history of the Day of the Dead. They will discuss how and why Christianity and Catholicism are considered different religions in Mexico, as well as in much of the world. We will also discuss the impact this has had on some of our local charities.

Next week, October 30, the service is “Remembrance - Day of the Dead.”

Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship services are Sundays, 10:30 a.m. In-person services are now available at Hidalgo 261, Riberas del Pilar.

St. Andrew’s Anglican

The Reverend Robbin Moore will celebrate and preach on Sunday, October 23. Services begin 10 a.m.

On October 23, Social & Hospitality will host “Taco Sunday” in the garden after services.

Please sign up for Sunday flowers to be given in honor of a loved one: 600 pesos.

Our feeding program collects non-perishable food items to donate to “Operation Feed,” which helps about 140 families in and around San Juan Cosalá. Donations of rice, beans or cash, which allows us to buy at bulk for the lowest prices to help feed even more families, is especially welcome. If you opt for a cash donation, envelopes marked “Rice” or “Beans” are available every Sunday. If you sign your name to the envelope, your offering will be recorded as a church donation.

Our resale shop, Todo Bueno is desperately in need of workers. Each shift is only 2.5 hours. Todo Bueno is in Riberas del Pilar, just west of S&S Auto. For more information call Barbara Friesen, 331-016-0619.

Coffee and Cookies Ministry: A wonderful time for meeting friends and greeting newcomers. Please join us. We’d be grateful for volunteers to provide cookies. Those interested can sign up via the sign-up sheet near the garden pathway.

If you would like to donate to St. Andrew’s, checks can be made out to Andrew’s Fund U.S., or Andrew’s Fund Canada, both of which are tax-deductible.

We’re active on Facebook/S. Andrews Anglican Lake Chapala.  Please “like” and “follow” us for daily inspiration, parish news and events. We also live stream Sunday services and sermon highlights on our FB page. Join us online!

To become part of our parish family, contact Rev. Robbin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Facebook/St Andrews Anglican Lake Chapala.

Abundant Life Church

Have you ever felt like you got all the hand-me-downs? In large families is common that the younger children use the old clothes of their older brothers or sisters. This sometimes causes jealousy and rivalry among the siblings. We are a part of the family of God which is a very large family indeed. If you have ever felt like you got the hand-me-downs in God´s family you will want to join us this Sunday, October 23. God´s plans are for our good and you can feel like you are always in front of the line! 

English Sunday service is at the church at 10:30 a.m., also at abundantlifechapala.com.

Abundant Life Church is affiliated with the Assemblies of God of Mexico. Bible study in English is held at 11 a.m. each Wednesday with Spanish language Bible studies on Friday at 6:45 p.m.

Carretera 140 in San Antonio Tlayacapan, just a block from SuperLake.

Grace Church Chapala

Tired of the same routine Sunday after Sunday? Try something different. Try Grace Church. Grace Church is a vibrant, nondenominational family of believers. We have a more contemporary style of worship mixing worship songs from Chris Tomlin, Michael W Smith and their genre with some traditional hymns. Pastor Alan teaches straight from the scriptures in a genuine fashion that leaves you encouraged but challenged at the same time. The goal of Grace Church is to “Love God…. and our neighbor.” Come give us a try!

We meet at Bravo Theater, 441 Hidalgo, in Riberas del Pilar, every Sunday, 10 a.m. for worship. Combined men’s and women’s Bible Study Tuesdays, 10 a.m. at Bravo. 

Information: 333-399-1501; Facebook/Grace Church Chapala; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; gracechapalamx.church. Looking forward to seeing you there. 

St. Mark’s EpiscopalGuadalajara

Saint Mark’s Anglican-Episcopal Church in Guadalajara worships each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in English and 12:30 p.m. After mass, stay for the coffee hour.

Chichimecas 836, corner of Aztecas diagonally across the street from the UAG ICB Campus, Colonia Monraz, 44670 Guadalajara.

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