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Laguna Chapalac - November 04, 2023

Open Circle

Laura Urrutia will present “Starting a Cohousing Community” at the next meeting of Open Circle, Sunday, November 5, 10:30 a.m. at the Lake Chapala Society.

pg16aCohousing is a model which is created by independent people with the same interests who wants to live in individual spaces but share common services. The intent is to avoid isolation, and to give and receive support in many ways.
But what happens when you cannot find your dream community? Urrutia is conducting a discussion about how to start a strong community in México to give and receive support in a secure and easy way. She will focus on Mexican advances in this extraordinary way of living, as well as try to answer your questions, and collect your ideas to create the best path for people who want to find a better quality of life with this model.

Doggy yard sale

Bone Voyage Dog Rescue is accepting donations for their yard sale to be held December 2 and 3, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the home of Annette Williams Thompson (the house with the dog mural) at Calle 16 de Septiembre 47. Also needed are folding tables, clothes hanging racks and hangers. Volunteers are meeting at Annette’s home Monday, November 6, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.

Veterans saluted

•ANAVETS and CVSA will hold a Remembrance and Veterans Day ceremony Saturday, November 11, 10:30 a.m. at Mama’s Musical Bar, Gonzalez Gallo 86 in San Antonio Tlayacapan. A light lunch will be served after the service.

• American Legion Post 7 Chapala will hold a Veterans Day ceremony, Saturday, November 11, 10:55 a.m. at the Post, Morelos 14, Chapala. No one will be allowed to enter once the ceremony begins.


A dinner will be served at 3 p.m. No breakfast will be served on this day.

Floral show

There’s only a few more days until the floral extravaganza of the year, the Lakeside Garden Guild’s 2023 Floral Art and Design Show, to be held Saturday, November 11, from 3 to 6 p.m. at Camino Real 131, Lower La Floresta, Ajijic. The Guild will be selling some of these dazzling arrangements.

Tickets, 500 pesos, include a free drink and canapés and are available from any Guild member, or by contacting Leslie Martin at lesliemartin77@ hotmail.com (333-815-1157) or Linda Rudisell-Hines at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (331-839-4074). Tickets will also be sold at Mia’s Boutique and Diane Pearl Gallery.

You can also order tickets via PayPal and pick up them up at the entrance to the show at the front desk.

The PayPal email to use (designate payment to Friend, not Business) is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Note the payment is for tickets to the floral show.

Memorial for David Bryen

David Bryen will be honored at a memorial celebration of his life to be held on Sunday November 12, noon, at the Lake Chapala Society.

After his retirement from a career as a psychotherapist in Oregon, David and his wife Gloria settled down in Ajijic in 2010. His many activities at lakeside included a five-year stint as coordinator of Open Circle and numerous speaking engagements as a speaker for the group, set building for Lakeside Little Theatre and Bravo Theater, and a hobby in woodworking.

David and Gloria moved to Cape Town, South Africa in June of this year after he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He passed away there on September 20.

Democrats Abroad

Lake Chapala Democrats Abroad will hold an in-person meeting (or via Zoom—your choice) Monday, November 13, 4 p.m. The focus will be on Reproductive Justice Now, presented by Trust Women Foundation Executive Directors Rebecca Tong and Schaunta James-Boyd. Topics include: Impact of Supreme Court Dobbs decision, ongoing criminalization of pregnant people and more. 


Everyone is welcome—including Democrats and Independents as we gear up for 2024 U.S. Elections. Location: La Bodega Ajijic, calle 16 de septiembre 124 in Ajijic.

Send your RSVP to DALakeChapala @gmail.com and indicate if you will attend in person or by Zoom. (This event is one week earlier than usual due to holidays.)

LCS Thanksgiving feast

The Lake Chapala Society will host a festive Thanksgiving dinner catered by Casa Linda on Thursday November 23.  Seatings are scheduled for Noon, 12:30, 2, 2:30, 4, 4:30 and 6 p.m. The menu includes a harvest soup starter, entrée choice or roast turkey or ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetable sides, and a selection of desserts.

The cost is 500 pesos per person. Advance reservations and payments are required. To register, click on the link found on the lakechapalasociety.com homepage.

Spay and Neuter clinic

El Proyecto Pancho is holding a clinic to reduce unwanted dogs and cats in the Lakeside area in December and needs your financial support. Learn more and donate at panchoproject.org.

Spanish conversation

Interested in practicing your Spanish with a native speaker? The LCS intercambio group now gets together for conversation on Wednesdays, 4 to 5:30 p.m., at the Wilkes Center Biblioteca, Galeana 18, behind the Ajijic San Andrés church. Sessions are open to everyone, free of charge

Smells a lot like Xmas

American Legion Post 7 Auxiliary will hold a Holiday Bazaar and Bake Sale, Saturday, November 18, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Post. Vendors should contact Jamie Butler at jamielbutler1 @gmail.com.

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