North Banderas Beat - January 19, 2012
Casino Night
The Vallarta Yacht Club is sponsoring Casino Night, featuring popular casino games such as blackjack, roulette and Texas hold-em, on Wednesday, January 30, 6 p.m.
Casino Night
The Vallarta Yacht Club is sponsoring Casino Night, featuring popular casino games such as blackjack, roulette and Texas hold-em, on Wednesday, January 30, 6 p.m.
Immigration moves
A reminder to returning snowbirds is that the Instituto Nacional de Migracion (INM) office has moved out of Bucerias and is now in Nuevo Vallarta.
Primary School
The La Cruz Chrsitmas Party for the Escuela Primaria takes place on Wednesday December 19, 6 p.m. at Sandzibar Restaurant at the Alamar Beach Club, Playa Manzanilla in La Cruz.
Tile wall
Visitors to the Manos de Amor orphanage in Bucerias cannot fail to miss the 68 hand-painted tiles covering a portion of one courtyard-area wall.
An afternoon and evening of fun, food and drinks awaits you at Cesar’s Restaurant (Playa Manzanilla, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle) on Friday, November 16. The Welcome Back Beach Party is the first big event of the season for Amigos de La Cruz.
Believe it or not, the end of another season in the northshore, also known as paradise, is breathing down our necks. Not to worry, because there’s still one party left: the Farewell Fiesta Concert on Sunday, March 25 at Los Arroyos Verdes.
Mexico vs. the world
Soccer fans … Can you “bend it like Beckham”? This is your big chance guys (or gals) to come and play or cheer on your favorite team. The futbol match “Mexico vs. The World,” takes place on Sunday, March 11. Kick off is at 5 p.m. at the Unidad Deportiva soccer field at Avenida cinco de mayo and 16 de septiembre in Bucerias.