Last updateSat, 01 Feb 2025 1pm


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Letter To The Editor - November 06, 2021

Dear Sir,

I would like to commend Daniel Houck for his candor and acuity in his “Letter to the Editor” in the October 30-November 5 edition, regarding the horrific dog’s breakfast at the Carretera-Libramiento intersection.

Not only is this a mess, but a huge opportunity was also missed at the major crossroad intersections throughout Ajijic.

Regarding my first point, the Carretera-Libramiento intersection had/has a perfect geographical position for a glorieta/roundabout. Regarding the second, every major intersection in Ajijic, especially the ones with traffic lights could have had a left turn center in the Carretera. This would have taken a section from the ciclopista bike path, but this it could well afford.

Hope springs eternal, or so the adage claims. The percussion drill, or “jackhammer,” was developed in 1849, so perhaps the engineering and political powers that be can go back to the drawing board and take this tool in hand and correct the dreadful mess they created.

Harry S. Wylie (an Ajijic resident for 17 years)