Last updateFri, 28 Feb 2025 10am


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Letter To The Editor - November 30, 2024

Dear Sir,

St. Mark’s Anglican/Episcopal Church in Guadalajara is on the cusp of calling a full-time rector after 18 months of interviewing  candidates and filling the pulpit with English-speaking pastors from other Anglican parishes. 

Our search committee has earnestly looked far and wide (including from far beyond Mexico) for the right candidate and believe it has found one among the several applicants we have interviewed. The vestry hope to be able to make a formal call to the candidate as our rector once the holidays have passed.

To do that, St. Mark’s requires additional funds over and above those already pledged in order to cover relocation and  salary. 

In the short term we are counting on the current congregation, including those who only infrequently take advantage of the services, to step up. Lots of small gifts can make the difference; that’s why pledges are essential. Now is the time to support St. Mark’s as we approach the end of the year and a new era for this church. Please help us.

With its pleasing  and serene sanctuary, recently re furnished fellowship hall, beautiful gardens, an inspiring choir, a tradition of inclusivity irrespective of nationality, age, ethnicity, civic or social status, or sexuality, and a permanent rector who will give his inspiring and profound sermons in English and to welcome all of God’s children, St. Mark’s will again, for many years to come, be able to nobly serve the many thousands of English speaking people, Anglicans, Episcopalians, and members of other Christian denominations in Guadalajara who are looking for a warm and loving community and to worship in their native or second (or third) language.

For information on how to make a pledge, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

William J.H. Chapman, Senior Warden


Dear Sir,

I’m certain it was just a silly oversight on your part as stellar editors and reporters to SOLELY focus on the left-leaning, fear -based opinions in your article, “Lakesiders react to Trump election win.” 

In your repeatedly biased, discriminating and hateful anti-Republican coverage you shamefully omitted the opinions of other party’s that have every right to be heard/read. Remember those pesky Conservatives? And the Libertarians or Green Party that may have had an interesting opinion on Trump’s new (AGAIN) rein? 

Get out of your seventh grade mentality of us vs. them and open the doors (or pages) to fair and open-minded reporting.

Nancy Van Reeth