Dear Sir,
The Man Who Would Be King wants to make Canada his 51st state.
What a great idea! Think of all the oil, gold, uranium, and rare earth minerals that are just sitting there waiting to be liberated! Think of all the moose and (some) polar bears to keep the kids entertained. Now with the Divine help of a changing climate, the fabled Northwest Passage is open for months at a time to move warships around at ease without worrying about that dinky American Canal, in what was formerly known as Panama.
And the people, think of the people! A few million mostly White, English-speaking (mostly) really nice people (except when they boo the U.S. National Anthem at that game they play on ice with crooked sticks).
Of course, these nice people will have rights, our Constitution (remember that document?) requires that they will have two Senators, just like Rhode Island. And even though the would-be monarch’s tiny majority in the House of Lemmings is only two or three, what difference can a few million nice people have in the balance of power?
So what does all of this have to do with the price of tea in Toronto?
What’s that you say? Canada has more than a few million people? According to the latest census figures, Canada has more citizens than the People’s Republic of California with its 39.54 million Commies. Canada has 39.98 million mostly white people. Holy Hockey Sticks!
California has 52 representatives in the House of Lemmings, and that means Canada would be entitled to at least that many. Can you say, “Good morning, Speaker Jeffries.”
Who’s going to tell the Boss? “Not I” said Elon.
Editor’s note: The ethnic make up of Canada, according to 2021 Census data, is as follows: White (69.8%), South Asian (7.1%), Indigenous (5%), Chinese (4.7%), Black (4.3%), Filipino (2.6%), Arab (1.9%), Latin American (1.6%), Southeast Asian (1.1%).
Dear Sir,
To the Anonymous Reader (Letters to the Editor, February 15-21). Somehow you think we will leave behind what you term the “ugly political divisions” just because we live here.
I have been here for over 20 years. I am an American citizen, born in the U.S.A. My father fought in World War II. So yes, I vote from abroad and I have a right to say what I please about this current dictatorship. And don’t tell me to forget nor mention what wrongs have already been committed in pursuit of power and more money for the oligarchs.
You want me to forget that this man and this administration has talked about cutting or destroying my Social Security?
You want me to forget that they have talked about destroying our Medicare and Medicaid and anything that helps the poor, the sick and the elderly?
You want me to forget the ugly misogynist, antisemitic, racist, gay and transgender politics of this administration and all the laws that are now centered on destroying the openess of our society towards all kinds of people?
You want me to forget that it’s ok to blame immigrants for everything, even though all of us, except those who are indigenous people, are descendants of immigrants?
You want me to say it’s ok that they are erasing needed departments in our country that were created to make our lives better?
You want me to say it’s ok that the president of the United States will not allow journalists to his press conferences if they say anything contrary to him.
In other words, you want me to approve that the United States is now a police state, even though only one percent more of the electorate voted this sociopathic, malignant narcissist into office. He is destroying my life, my family and my friends’ lives. He also is destroying yours, but you voted him in and you want me to treat you with the kindness that none of us are going to get. Sorry, but no.
If you are so in love with what he is doing, then I suggest you go back to the United States and live with the consequences you created.
Jill Flyer