Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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Police detain witness for filming arrest

Detained on Avenida Chapultepec on June 10 for allegedly hindering police work, Miguel Ruiz spent eight hours in jail and was forced to pay a fine of 500 pesos. Upon release he filed a complaint against the officers who arrested him with the Human Rights Commission.

Ruiz said he only shot the video in order to document the wrongful arrest of a man falsely accused by another motorist of waving a gun at him. The police found no such gun, but still charged the suspect for resisting arrest and damaging police equipment, yet Ruiz said he witnessed the offices breaking one of their own torches to create a pretext for the man’s arrest.

Last week the Public Safety Department urged Ruiz to file a complaint with internal affairs so the facts can be fully investigated.

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