Last updateFri, 31 May 2024 9am


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Parents absent as toddlers killed in house fire

Neighbors alerted the emergency services after being awoken by the flames at the property at Calle Fuelle 1892. Firefighters from the Guadalajara Fire Department and the State Civil Protection agency broke into the burning building in an attempt to rescue the two children trapped inside. It proved too late with three-year-old Dante and his two-year-old sister Regina found dead in one of the bedrooms, having suffocated from the fumes and then suffered 80-percent burns.

According to neighbors and relatives, the parents Julio Hernandez, 33, and Alejandra Castañeda, 34, had gone to a party on Friday night and left their children locked in the house. They were alerted by the children’s grandparents, who arrived earlier at the scene, but the blaze had already taken its toll by the time they returned to the home.

Hernandez was later taken for questioning by officials from the Ministerio Publico. The fire was believed to have been caused by a gas leak owing to a hose in a state of disrepair.

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