Last updateFri, 03 May 2024 10am


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Unfit Guadalajara police kept in the force for lack of servernce pay

Despite failing the evaluation and trust performance tests, 140 officers remain in Guadalajara police force.

Although the officers were found unfit to serve, they will be given a second chance and retested - partly because local authorities cannot afford the severance payments to fire them.

Currently 90 policemen have an injunction against their removal, and 50 are undergoing a second evaluation. This total represents around 5 percent of the total number of police in the force. Guadalajara Police Commissioner Salvador Caro Cabrera defended the practice of retesting.

“All officers who fail their first test… will be re-evaluated,” the official said. “Except in cases where criminal links are proven, I think retesting should always be an option.”

The five police assessments include a drug test, a polygraph lie detector, medical and psychological tests, and a socioeconomic lifestyle examination. 

Some civil rights groups, such as Causa en Comun, have complained that the evaluations fail to probe financial records that might uncover ties to criminals.

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