Last updateFri, 03 May 2024 10am


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Public university sets record number of students accepted

The University of Guadalajara (UdeG) has set a record for the number of students accepted for its degree courses for 2024-A school calendar, for which classes began January 16. 

A UdeG press release noted that the 16,650 students who were accepted represent 53.10 percent of the total applications received for bachelor’s degrees at the metropolitan area and regional university campuses, as well as its Virtual University System.

The highest demand was for medical, law and psychology degrees.  Computer and industrial engineering degrees were also popular among applicants.

Places are still available for qualifying applicants at various UdeG campuses, including Chapala (CUChapala), where 34 spots are yet to be filled for its gerontology degree course. In total, 1,788 places are still available at different UdeG campuses. These include telematics engineering (CUValles), molecular design and materials engineering (CUTonalá), nanotechnology engineering and liberal studies (CUCEA), economics (CUCSH), and political/government studies and food sciences (CUCBA).

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