Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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Rain brings relief from heatwave

The first rains indicating the “hot season” will soon draw to a close drenched Guadalajara and other parts of Jalisco (including lakeside, see page 2) on Tuesday, May 28, followed by another rainstorm in the metro-area the following evening.

pg1cAlthough these downpours do not herald the precise beginning of the June-October period of tropical rains, known as the temporada de lluvias, the precipitation came as a gift from on high for Tapatios baking under near-record temperatures for the past month.

Tuesday’s three-hour downpour was accompanied by light winds, which were strong enough to topple around a half-dozen trees, Civil Protection reported. No injuries were reported, and flooding on streets and avenues was minimal.  Both early evening rainstorms lasted for a few hours and dissipated before midnight.

Guadalajara residents awoke Wednesday to a hazy morning with substantial cloud cover, with the temperature dipping a few degrees from the recent highs of 37 to 38 degrees Celsius. 

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