Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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Shriners help local boy with gift of hearing

Christian de la Cruz, a four-year-old boy from San Juan Tecomatlan who was born deaf and without ears, has just returned to lakeside after receiving specialized surgery at the Shriners Hospital for Children in Montreal, Canada.

At the moment Christian has partial hearing and will return to Montreal for further surgery in November. If successful, his hearing will be completely restored. At a later date, he will have plastic surgery to build a normal outer ear.

“He’s a delightful boy and very lucky to have qualified, as there are only three doctors who can perform this kind of surgery,” said Sheila Paull, who went on a relentless quest to find the best care possible for Christian after she learned about his condition.

The Lake Chapala Shrine Club provided funds to help pay for the family’s transportation costs to Canada, as well as accommodation, food and clothing, Paull said. “There was a short period when they had to stay in a hotel before they moved into a Ronald McDonald house.”

Paull, who together with her husband Graham escorted the family to Calgary from Montreal for “a Canadian experience,” said Christian won the hearts of everyone he met along the way.

“He would wake in the morning singing and go to bed at night singing,” she said. “No one can explain where the music comes from, or the sounds that he utters, but it is beautiful.”

Christian’s parents have limited financial resources but established the Foccasio restaurant in San Juan Tecomatlan in order to move ahead. Hardworking and dedicated to the care of their child, they have managed to build a business that has drawn the respect of the community.

The family restaurant has reopened with their return to Mexico.  “We hope that everyone comes out and enjoys the wonderful spirit of this special family,” Paull said.

Shriners Hospitals for Children are a non-profit fraternity. They have built and operate 22 hospitals in their system in Canada, the United States and Mexico and are the leaders in the world for burn and orthopedic research.  The Shiners Hospital in Mexico City treats up to 5,000 children each month and each of those children has to be transported from their communities to the hospital.

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