Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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Storied singer makes first appearance in Ajijic

Lorna Luft is making a first time lakeside appearance as the innovative three-concert Trilogy series produced by Mark Rome draws to a close with a Tuesday, February 17 concert at the Auditorio de la Ribera del Lago. 

“Accentuate the Positive,” features Luft and her band as she presents the standards and favorites passed on by her mother, the incomparable Judy Garland. Between songs Luft likes to share family stories and fascinating background tales of the tune on the program. She appeared with her sister Liza Minnelli as a special tribute to their mother during last year’s Oscar presentation.

Opening for Luft is local violinist Victor Garcia Rodríguez, who will be making his big solo stage debut at the auditorium. The coordinating dinner for this Trilogy concert will be held in Restaurant Four. Tickets are available on Thursday and Friday in the Ajijic plaza store of Jose Melendez.

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