Last updateFri, 10 May 2024 9am


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Status of dengue outbreak at lakeside is unclear

Dr. José de Jesús González, director of Chapala’s state operated Centro de Salud, reports that only five confirmed cases have been registered locally to date.

Six additional suspected cases are still under clinical review. He believes that the numbers might jump dramatically if private physicians were to come forward with information on dengue patients under their care.

Brigades of Jalisco Health Department (SSJ) workers are currently visiting local addresses in neighborhoods where confirmed cases have occurred. They are recognized by their khaki-colored uniform vests and official ID badges. Householders may admit them to inspect the premises for detection of sources of clean, stagnant water where Aedes mosquitoes commonly breed.

A fumigation campaign reported in Ajijic this week is being carried out by an independent campesino organization with no affiliation to state or municipal government entities.

Treatment of dengue normally involves bed rest, plentiful fluid intake and pain relief with acetaminophen. Physicians recommend avoiding self-medication, especially with aspirin and other over-the-counter remedies containing substances that increase the risk of bleeding.

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