Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 9am


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Ajijic gains new voice on Chapala city council

After a vacancy of two and a half months, Ricardo Mora Martínez has been sworn to fill the seat of Moisés Anaya Aguilar on the Chapala City Council, making him the third council member representing a voice and voting power on behalf of Ajijic.

pg16bMora Martínez served as Anaya’s private secretary during his 2018-2021 term as Chapala mayor. He was listed as substitute for the top spot on the Movimiento Ciudadano ticket in the 2021 elections, in which Anaya lost his bid for reelection but earned a council seat.

Anaya’s request for an unpaid leave of absence to take up a new job with the state government was approved at the council’s February 27 session. However, inexplicably, Mora Martínez was not called up to serve until Wednesday, May 17.

The new regidor holds a degree in business administration and works as a partner for a private accounting firm in Ajijic. He is well known as a long-time lead member of the town’s Passion Play organizing committee and activist in local social causes.

While taking over Anaya’s assignments on the council’s slaughterhouse, rural development, urban development, public services and cemeteries commissions, he is keen to be included on the Ajijic Pueblo Mágico commission.

The other Ajijic natives currently serving on the Cabildo are Regidora Denisse Michel Ibarra and City Hall Solicitor Gamaliel de Jesús Soto Pérez, both affiliated with the ruling Partido Acción Nacional (PAN).

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