Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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Pets lined up for population control

Dionisia Morales, a Santa Cruz de la Soledad housewife, gently stroked Tata’s head as they patiently awaited their turn on the final day of the free pet sterilization program held March 2, 3 and 4 at the town’s Casa Ejidal. A few months ago the elderly grandmother agreed to adopt the chocolate-colored boxer mix from a friend, taking on the added responsibility of helping care for her litter of five young pups. She’s happy that with Tata’s spaying, she will never have to repeat the experience.

Jocotepec unfurls gigantic flag

Jocotepec townsfolk gathered for a belated Dia de la Bandera celebration on March 5 to mark the formal unfurling of a giant Mexican flag at the roadside lookout point (mirador) located adjacent to the highway bypass.