Last updateSat, 18 May 2024 9am


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PAN distances itself from ‘neo-Nazi’ group

Jalisco’s conservative National Action Party (PAN) is set to expel a young militant who formed what local media is referring to as a “neo-Nazi” splinter group.

The group calls itself the Movimiento Nacionalista Mexicano del Trabajo and lists among its aims “protecting family values, Catholic-Christian religion, micro and small businesses and rewriting history using revisionism.”

The Facebook page of an individual involved in the group describes the movement as “an alternative policy to capitalism and democracy that is in the hands of Zionists and a weapon for the interests of a few.”

A photograph posted on the Internet in November last year showed 20-year-old Juan Barrera Espinoza, the alleged creator of the group, with three friends in a Guadalajara cafe wearing “Nazi-style” armbands. 

This week Barrera said the group were trying out the armbands for a an upcoming party where the quartet were planning to go disguised as Russian guards.

Barrera told local media that the movement was no more than “a joke,” had been blown out of proportion and that he was “not the leader of anything.”  He nonetheless apologized for bringing the PAN’s name into disrepute.

However, in another post on Facebook, one of the group’s members wrote about a gay parade he had just witnessed in downtown Guadalajara.  “I had the opportunity to raise my right arm and shout with all my might, ‘Long Live (Viva) Fascism! Death to Communism!’ I didn’t gain anything but I least I expressed myself in front of the enemy. It’s disgusting.”

Photographs have emerged of Barrera with various senior members of the PAN, including state congressman Hernan Cortes Berumen and former Jalisco Governor Alberto Cardenas.

Cortes did not deny having been photographed with Barrera but said he did not know  him personally and that it is not unusual for strangers to ask to have photos taken with him.  He added that the individuals who created the alleged neo-Nazi group deserved to be expelled from the party.

The PAN’s Youth Division leader, Everado Padilla, said he is seeking Barrera’s immediate expulsion.  “He may have apologized but the damage is done and the image of the party has been affected.”

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