Last updateFri, 07 Mar 2025 4pm


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Consul General hosts Guadalajara bash

A smaller Independence Day celebration than those held pre-pandemic was hosted by the U.S. Consulate General in Guadalajara at the JW Mariott Hotel Thursday, June 29.

Some 200 guests from the four states of the consulate district (Jalisco, Nayarit, Aguascalientes and Colima) enjoyed gourmet hors ‘d’oeuvres and top-notch bar offerings, before young U.S. Marines in dress uniform paraded the colors, and the Mexican and U.S. national anthems were sung. U.S. Consul General Eliza Al-Laham was thankful for the consulate’s first in-person celebration since 2019.


She lauded her staff’s work during the pandemic. She noted the priorities for the consulate this year to focus on respect for diversity and social inclusion and the “Julio Azul” program, in which various local institutions work on fomenting the prevention of human trafficking. During July, the U.S. Consulate General is illuminated in blue light.


She also noted the celebration of the bicentennial of the bilateral relations between the United States and Mexico.

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