Last updateFri, 30 Aug 2024 8am


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When will the media report violence in the US?

Dear Sir,

I’m waiting.  In fact, I’ve been waiting patiently for a couple of weeks now.  Cannot understand the delay as normally, at such news, the press and U.S. State Department are issuing all sorts of notices and warnings. But this time, nothing. Nada.

Something terrible has happened to me

Dear Sir,

Something terrible has happened to me and, since it could happen to anyone, your readers should be aware of it.  I have a bank account with Bank of America.  They have an arrangement with Santander whereby I can use their ATMs without cost or exchange fees.  This sounds like a dream until you lose 432 dollars.  On  June 8, I went to the Santander in Chapala and attempted to withdraw 6,000 pesos to pay my rent.  After my ATM card had been “read,” a message flashed on the machine saying that it was out of order.  I reported this to Santander, but they said that I would need to report this to Bank of America.  I made that report immediately.  I waited ten days, but nothing had been done.  I called B of A again and they reimbursed my money on June 20.  I thought that this issue had been settled.  However, in mid-August, I received a letter from B of A saying that on August 1 they had deducted the money again.  B of A said that Santander had not corroborated my story.  To make matters worse, the statute of limitation on these complaints is 30 days, so due to the delay in getting mail here in Mexico, I had little time to make formal complaints.

Thanks to John Pint

Dear Sir,

Thanks to John Pint after reading his article about “The Liberation of Kari the Fox.” What a great story about your family of foxes. Keep it up, as I love reading about your adventures.

Maybe “Love in Action” should change its name to “Bigotry in Action.”

Dear Sir,

Maybe “Love in Action” should change its name to “Bigotry in Action.” Throughout the article in last week’s Reporter (“Feud over mission statement …”), the context was religious bigotry instead of what was good for the children. Given a chance, the Christian leaders would rather destroy the shelter than take it in a non-religious direction.

Astounded and shocked by Love in Action feud

Dear Sir,

I was astounded and shocked to read the article “Feud over mission statement rocks Love in Action shelter” in the current Reporter, since I know of some other supporters who have distanced themselves from the shelter in addition to the six now former members of the Advisory Committee.

In November vote wisely

Dear Sir,

In 1887 Alexander  Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior. “A democracy is always temporary in nature. It simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until  the time that  voters discover that they can vote themselves generous  gifts from the public treasury.  From that moment on, the majority always  votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse  over loose  fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by dictatorship.