Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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Boy flown to burns unit in Galveston

A seven-year-old boy from Tlajomulco who was seriously burned in a fire at his home on December 17 has been airlifted to the Shriners Hospital for Children in Galveston, Texas, thanks to the intervention of a well-known Mexican charity.

Canada makes its mark

“Canadians are settling in the Lake Chapala area in sufficient numbers for the migration to be almost called a ‘boom,’” wrote The Reporter’s Jack McDonald in July 1974.

Dealing with the Ministerio Publico: a beginner’s guide for crime victims

Subsequent to last week’s article on Jalisco’s criminal justice system, the Reporter has pieced together information revealed at the November 29 conference held at the Lake Chapala Society and additional details provided by staff at Chapala’s Ministerio Publico (MP or district attorney’s office).  This segment provides basic guidelines on filing a formal denuncia (denouncement).