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Weekly Worship - May 20, 2017

Lake Chapala Baptist 

National Geographic Magazine says children now spend less time outside than the average prisoner.

They say that the average American adult spends 93 percent of his life indoors, and that avoiding “getting dirty” weakens immune systems. Followers of Jesus are sometimes crippled by protecting themselves from the world. Jesus prayed, “I am sending them out, as You sent me out.” Like a boat – boat in the water is good; water in the boat is not. Salt in the shaker is ineffective. Get out there!

Sunday, May 21, 11 a.m., Brother Bob Hendrick will give the sermon at the worship service of the Lake Chapala Baptist Church, located at Santa Margarita 147, Riberas del Pilar.

Presbyterian Church

Woody Dee will present the sermon, “Protesting our Innocence,” at the Lakeside Presbyterian Church Sunday, May 21.  

Lakeside Presbyterian is located at San Jorge 250 in Riberas del Pilar. Turn toward the lake at Mom’s Restaurant and the church is two blocks down on the right. English-language services begin each Sunday, 10 a.m. and Spanish-language services are 9 a.m. and noon. Everyone is welcome.

Little Chapel by the Lake

Says Little Chapel pastor Ken Armstrong: “The strong characters in the Bible are really a rogues’ gallery: A murderer who hid the body, a man who gave his wife to another man – twice! –  to save his skin, several prostitutes, another man who arranged a death to hide an adulterous affair, and many more. It might seem counterintuitive, but what they had in common was not religious perfection. It was a passionate pursuit of God.”  On Sunday, May 21, Pastor Ken elaborates in his message, “The Passionate Pursuit,” drawn from 1 Peter 3 and Galatians 3.

The Little Chapel is located at the historic stone church building in Chula Vista, at Carretera Chapala-Ajijic 10. 

Non-denominational, English-language Sunday worship service is at 11 a.m. The service is webcast live at facebook.com/groups/TLChapala or LittleChapelChapala.org.

Everyone is invited to stay for a friendly potluck meal after the service. No need to bring anything but your appetites.

Little Chapel is open Wednesdays from 1-3 p.m. for silent prayer and worship in the sanctuary and memorial prayer garden. Everyone is welcome.

For more information, call (376) 108-1842.

St. Andrew’s Anglican

Sunday, May 21 at St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, Fr. Bryan Beveridge will be sharing about the fact that we all have an advocate, someone who is looking out for you, who is on your side, someone who wants to encourage and support you, someone who is with you through thick and thin. Worship begins at 10 a.m. The celebration will be followed by a refreshments and the opportunity to meet Fr. Brian and Rita, his wife.

Whenever you want to recycle something don’t forget St. Andrew’s resale shop, Todo Bueno, located on the mountain side of the Carretera next to S&S Auto, open Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

Every Sunday, the feeding programs supported by St. Andrew’s welcome donations of non-perishable food items.  Boxed milk and empty cardboard egg cartons are especially welcome, in addition to rice, beans, pasta, oil, and salt. 

St. Andrew’s is located at Calle San Lucas 19, just a block south of the Carretera in Riberas del Pilar. 

Abundant Life

What is your life like?  Are you living in abundance or just getting by? When Jesus was confronted with a need from one lady she stated that even the crumbs that fall from the Lord´s table are more of a blessing than what she currently had. Come this Sunday, May 21, as Pastor Gary Neighbor challenges our hearts to seek God´s kingdom and experience more fullness than ever imagined. This is a walk of faith that leads to living up to what we were created for.

Abundant Life Church is affiliated with the Assemblies of God of Mexico and has services for everyone. An English-language worship service is held each Sunday, 10 a.m. and Bible study Wednesday, 3 p.m. Spanish-language services are Sunday, noon. Spanish-language Bible studies are on Wednesday, 6:45 p.m. A children’s ministry is held Saturday, noon, and the youth meet Sunday, 6:30 p.m. 

Abundant Life Church is located at Carretera Chapala-Jocotepec 140, San Antonio Tlayacapan, a block from SuperLake. For more information, call 331-417-7038 (cel). 

Unitarian Universalists

Sunday, May 21, Richard Clarke will present “50 Years of Spiritual Practice” at the Lakeside Unitarian Universalist Fellowship service.

Clarke will talk about his spiritual journey, starting with a mother who believed in reincarnation and heard voices, discovering Buddhism as a young man, practicing mindfulness meditation, to the discovery of the non-dual teachings of Ramana 25 years ago, which lead to living in India for many years.

Carol Johnson is the service leader.

The Unitarians meet 10:30 a.m. at Hidalgo 261 in Riberas del Pilar, opposite the bell tower, on the north side of the Carretera. For more information, call Fred Harland at (376) 766-1458.

Seventh Day Adventists

In John 21:15-17, Jesus tells Peter three times “Feed my Sheep.” This quarter, our Bible study examines what this former fisherman and earlier church leader wrote.

“For this very reason make every effort to add to your faith goodness: and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love.” – 2 Peter 1:5-7 NIV.

Everyone is welcome to Bible study on Saturdays at 9:15 a.m. This week we study the Passion, Resurrection and Divinity of Jesus.

Worship service is Saturday, 10:15 a.m. All are welcome to a special annual Church picnic that will follow. 

Lakeside Seventh Day Adventist bible study and worship is at the Abundant Life church located at Carretera 140, San Antonio Tlayacapan (next to iShop&Mail). Facebook.com/ChapalaSDAChurch.

Christ Church Episcopal

Christ Church Episcopal, a mission of the Diocese of the West in the Anglican Church of Mexico, will observe the sixth Sunday of Easter (Rogation Sunday) by celebrating the Holy Eucharist Sunday, May 21, 9:30 a.m. at the Little Chapel by the Lake. Jim Powers, the Warden of CCE, will preside and give a message with the theme “Come Thou Spirit” based on John 14:15-21.

Refreshments will be available before the service, starting at 9 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. 

The Lunch Bunch will meet at Min Wah Restaurant at 11:15 a.m.

Bible Study meets Tuesday, 2 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The group has begun the exploration of Paul’s letters in chronological order.

The Little Chapel is located in Chula Vista, at Carretera Chapala-Ajijic 10.

Jewish Congregation

Shabbat Torah services are held the first and third Saturday of the month, 10 a.m., and Shabbat evening services and potluck every second and fourth Friday, 6 p.m. at the Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation. The synagogue is located at Sta. Margarita 113, Riberas del Pilar (mountainside of the Carretera, diagonally across from Mom’s Restaurant). Call (376) 766-2668 or see lakesidejews.com.

San Andres English

“We celebrate the coming of Christ’s spirit of truth on the Church, the source of the Church’s proclamation of the Christian message to the world.” 

So says Fr. Basil G. Royston, D. Min., who will offer the homily “The Spirit of Truth” at San Andres Catholic Church’s English-language service on Sunday, May 21, 9 a.m.

San Andres is located at the corner of Ramon Corona and Parroquia, one block from the Ajijic main plaza.

Home Church Int’l 

Pastors Paul and Susana Allen enjoy and lead this type of worship in an intimate space as a welcoming fellowship. 

To learn times and places of worship, call the pastors at 332-242-8648, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

St. Mark’s Anglican 


Father Jim Priddy will deliver the sermon, “The Unknown God,” at the Sunday, May 21, 10:30 a.m. English-language worship service at St. Mark’s Anglican Church. 

St. Mark’s is at Chichimecas 836 in Colonia Monraz.

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