Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 9am


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Laguna Chapalac - May 9, 2014

It’s Mother’s Day weekend. By now you’ve noted all the temporary stalls, tents and shops filled with flowers and other fussy gifts for the Mexican mothers on their day, Saturday, May 10. The tenth of May is always Mother’s Day in Mexico.

Laguna Chapalac - May 2, 2014

Did you hear that? I don’t hear anything more than the songbirds trilling their heart-felt spring songs and I’m just a couple of blocks from the Wednesday tianguis (street market). There’s been a new, odd quiet in the streets of town all week.

Laguna Chapalac - April 25, 2014

Well one thing is certain. Assuming that we all survive these last few days of the two weeks of Easter vacations and the accompanying heavy traffic, we will have enough stories about creative drivers to last the entire summer round of lunches, dinners and cocktail parties.

Laguna Chapalac - April 18, 2014

While much has been written about Mexico’s more simple Christmas customs, the lack of intrusive commercialism and the easing of the frenetic pace, few articles focus on the vast difference in Mexico’s Easter customs. 

Laguna Chapalac - April 4, 2014

There is nothing in this world that is quite as special as the unconditional love given by a dog to an adoring owner. Adoration, faith and trust glow from the eyes of man’s best friend – and there’s nothing quite like the welcome home a dog can give a loving human.