Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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Disabled woman’s new, personal book aims beyond inspiring success

Photos of Adriana Macias that show her at work make her accomplishments seem natural, even though most of her skills—writing, public speaking, painting and playing the cello—required an unusual level of determination, considering she is a woman born without arms.

Naysayers in Time Out’s ‘place to be’

It seemed to only take a declaration October 11 by the influential, British tourism and leisure magazine Time Out that ranked Guadalajara’s Colonia Americana number one on its list of “coolest neighborhoods” in the world, to bring out the fangs of local critics indignantly berating its flaws.

Reasons to visit the Museo Cabañas

The Museo Cabañas owes its name to Bishop Juan Cruz Ruiz de Cabañas y Crespo, who arrived in Guadalajara in 1796 and whose goal was the construction of a shelter for orphaned children, elder citizens and the homeless.