Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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Finally, cycle path plans unveiled

At the prodding of the local business sector, officials from Jalisco’s Secretariat of Infrastructure and Public Works (SIOP) and the Institute of Mobility Infrastructure made two trips to lakeside this week to present plans and explain details of the ciclovia cycling path and related road work that has been in progress since last November.

Expat info fair attracts large crowd

The Lake Chapala Society hosted its second annual Expat Info Fair on Thursday, February 13, when visitors roamed through stands put up by various Mexican government agencies and Guadalajara’s U.S. and Canadian Consulates.

2020 Census starts March 2

How many people reside in Mexico and how do they live? Those are the fundamental question the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) intends to answer by conducting the 2020 Censo de Población y Vivienda.