Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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Local children fitted with free hearing aids

Some 80 hearing-impaired children and adolescents from the lakeside area were fitted with hearing aids last week, concluding an intensive social service campaign spearheaded by the Texas-based Hearing Head for Latin America organization and the Guadalajara non-profit association Salud, Cultura, Desarrollo y Ecología (Sacudee).

Little Chapel enjoys revival under new pastor

On Sunday, December 1 Reverend Gene Raymer will reach a milestone, celebrating his first anniversary as pastor of the Little Chapel by the Lake, an assignment that came from a calling to rescue the area’s oldest Protestant church from the darkest hour in its 55-year history.

How kids grow in confidence

Two events at the Instituto Terranova inspired students with  “confidence, self respect and pride of accomplishment,” says José Blum, the school’s director general.

Organizing the organizations

Following the November 6 summit meeting of lakeside area non-profit organizations, Betty Prentki has been busy updating a comprehensive directory of more than 60 different support groups, fraternal associations and clubs.